Vince the Vet PEA (Palmitoylethanolamide)

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90 capsules  €46.57









Supplementation with PEA has been shown to significantly reduce in itching in 2 out of 3 atopic dogs who are reactive to environmental allergens, including house dust, house dust mites, moulds, human dander, grasses, trees, shrubs, flowers, weeds and pollen from other plants.


a) It is important to continue for at least 12 weeks, as it can take this long for PEA to reach peak effect for some dogs.

b) PEA helps around two thirds of dogs with atopic dermatitis, but won't help if skin issues are being caused by parasites, microbial infections and food allergens in the diet. These all need to be ruled out if PEA is to be as effective as it can be.

c) Continuing to include carbohydrates and sugars in the diet, can block the benefits of giving PEA for an itchy skin as these fuel inflammation and the growth of yeasts.


- Click here to read 'What PEA can and can't do

- Click here to read 'How is an allergic reaction to environmental allergens diagnosed?' 

- Click here to read 'An Itchy Skin - A Simple Approach.'

- Click here to read 'Itchy Dog? How to get the best results with PEA'

- Read this article before purchasing.

- If your pet is on itch medication, please follow the following steps outlined:



PEA's natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties significantly reduces joint inflammation and pain. Supplementation with micronised PEA shows promise for managing chronic pain, including joint pain, in dogs, cats and horses.

- Click here to read about 'Ultimate Joint Support - How to avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAID's) and Librela.'



PEA has been shown to improve neurobehavioral functions including memory and learning in various models of nerve degeneration. In various in vitro and animal models of neurodegenerative conditions and senile dementia, PEA exhibits anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effects, and supports improved cognitive performance in elderly animals.



In animal models of epilepsy and acute seizures, supplementation with PEA has been shown to reduce severity and frequency of attacks - click here. 


(Monitor progress using our handy record card (supplied with each bottle purchased.)



PEA has proved to be highly effective at alleviating pain in both people* and animals.

In this study involving 610 people suffering from chronic pain unresponsive to control with standard therapies, all who completed the trial experienced a marked reduction in pain intensity.

We're seeing similar results for dogs.



PEA acts on calming pathways in the brain to help modulate central nervous system responses to stress.



Allow PEA 12 weeks to reach peak effect before gauging its effect.  






Add to the diet daily in accordance with the guidelines on the labels.




        half a capsule twice daily for the first 12 weeks, and then half daily.


       Small (5kg - 10kg): half a capsule twice daily (this can easily be opened and the powder mixed into a little tasty food).

       Medium (11kg - 25kg): one capsule twice daily.

       Large (26kg - 35kg plus): 2 capsules twice daily.



3 capsules twice daily.



Palmitoylethanolamide (plant origin).

Each capsule (Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose) typically contains 400mg.


After the first 12 weeks, the dose can be halved to see if this is sufficient for maintenance. 




Pets with sensitive stomachs or a history of digestive upsets may occasionally develop sloppy faeces.

In most cases this is solved by pausing the PEA until formed motions have been passed for at least 3 days and then reintroducing the supplement at half the previous dose.



Often as the body heals, part of this process involves the elimination of environmental chemicals, toxins, drug residues and waste products which have accumulated over time in a variety of different organs, tissues and cells.

This can result in an increased thirst, more frequent urination and defaecation, sloppy stools, fur staining (if the coat is white / light coloured) and skin eruptions. This can lead to an already irritated or inflamed skin temporarily appearing to get worse.

To help shorten the timescale over which detoxification occurs:

1. Give 2 - 3 drops of Natural Worm Control and Detoxification Support 3 times daily on a teaspoon of fresh food for two weeks, and then repeat again after a 2 week interval: >>>Detoxification, Worms & Liver Cleansing

2. Add Vitality to the diet to provide a rich supply of antioxidants and more than 70+ micronutrients which help to reduce inflammation and support tissue regeneration and repair: >>> Vince The Vet - Vitality

3. To further soothe the skin if itching becomes more pronounced, give 2 - 3 drops of Insect plus Itch Relief on a teaspoon of fresh food 3 - 4 times daily until this has fully settled down:>>> Insect plus Itch Relief 50ml




  • My dog has mobility issues. Is PEA effective for this?

With regards to mobility Ultimate Joint Support provides the best possible joint comfort and care in circumstances like this, for the reasons explained here.


  • I have a dog which is curently on apoloquel for itchy skin, and liberal injection for arthritis. Would this be beneficial for him?

PEA has proved to be effective at reducing itching in 2 out or 3 dogs with Atopy (a sensitivity to environmental allergens). It has also been shown to be very effective at relieving joint discomfort. Give the PEA for 12 weeks and then follow the guidance here and here.


  • Is this also helpful for cats? 

Yes it can help cats with itching caused by allergic reactions to allergens inside and outside the home. 


  • My dog weighs 4.5 kg. Dosage is from 5kg onwards. Can she still have it? At what dosage?

Yes, but you would need to open the capsules (the ends easily slide apart) and give a quarter in food twice daily.


  • What source is PEA is derived from?

The PEA is extracted from sustainably sourced palm oil. It is micronised for optimum bioavailability. The powder is 100% pure palmitoylethanolamide with no other ingredients / additives of any kind. The capsule (which doesn't have to be given if the powder is tipped out (the two ends easily slide apart) is vegetarian. 


  • Is this suitable for dogs with sensitive tummies?

As a general rule, we advise giving half the dose to dogs with sensitive stomachs just to be on the safe side.


  • Does this supplement cause upset stomach in dogs? 

Only very rarely, and usually only in dogs who have had a previous history of digestive upsets. 


  • Is this suitable for dogs who are on a different joint supplement to use alongside?

Yes it can be given alongside additional joint supplements. For the best possible combination we advise Ultimate Joint Support for the reasons explained here.


  • Can I give PEA alongside medication?

Yes PEA is safe to use alongside any medications prescribed by your vet. 


  • Can PEA be used for humans with Osteoarthritis, a human with chronic pain or joint pain?

Yes this supplement is fine for people too, as we only use the highest quality human food grade micronised palmitoylethanolamide available. The dose for people is two capsules twice daily for 12 weeks and then one twice daily for maintenance. In a clinical study involving 610 people who were unable to control chronic pain with standard therapies, all who completed the trial experienced a significant reduction on pain intensity after 7 weeks. 


  • If using the PEA, will I still need a muti vitamin and a glucosamine chondroiten supplement?

PEA is a natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic and supplementation significantly reduces discomfort and inflammation in joints. The best Joint supplement to use alongside PEA for maximum joint care and mobility is Joints which is far superior to glucosamine and chondroitin for the reasons explained here.


  • How can i tell if my dog has a fungal yeast infection prior to trying PEA?

To confirm if a fungal or yeast infection is present, it is best if a vet swabs an affected area, smears the sample obtained on a slide, stains it and examines this under a microscope. It is important to be aware that yeast infections are often secondary to another cause, which needs to be identified and successfully addressed to provide a long term cure. Read this article:


  • Can you give this alongside Apoquel and steroids?

Yes, you can. Click on this link for guidance on how to best use PEA when already giving medication.


  • Do I continue giving my dog the same dose of PEA long term or reduce the dose after an initial period?

After the initial 12 weeks, the dose can be reduced to half the previous amount to see if this is sufficient for maintenance.  


  • I have dog with lupus and lymphoma,is this product good for him?

PEA has natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties and for these reasons may be of benefit for your dog. In addition to this, guidance on supporting a dog with cancer naturally can be found here.


  • My dog is epileptic and on Epiphen medication. Is it safe to take this?

To date no contraindications have been reported. In fact, in animal models of epilepsy and acute seizures, supplementation with PEA has been shown to reduce severity and frequency of attacks - click here. It's possible therefore that after giving PEA for 12 weeks your vet may be able to reduce the dose of anti-convulsant medication required for maintenance. 


  • My dog has been on PEA for about 6 weeks and i still see itching. What should I do?

If the itching hasn't reduced yet, you can try increasing the PEA to double the daily dose. If the stools become too soft, reduce the dose back down again. Monitor for another 6 weeks. Also take a look at this blog (click on link in blue).  Also try giving PEA separately from meals in a tablespoon of plain live yoghurt / bone broth.


  • My dog has itchy skin, keeps shaking her head, biting her paws and scooting. Should I purchase PEA product to relieve/cure these issues? My vet has prescribed Apoquel/Cytapoint and steroids in the past which haven’t solved the problem

If your vet has diagnosed a sensitivity to environmental allergens as the cause of itching (see 'How is Atopy Diagnosed?by clicking on this link) it is worth trialling PEA for 12 weeks, given it has been shown to significantly reduce itching and skin irritation in 2 out of 3 atopic dogs. It is also worth giving Insect plus Itch Relief to ease skin irritation while waiting for PEA to reach peak effect as this can take 8 - 12 weeks for some dogs. 


  • I only feed my dog once per day. How can I administer the correct dose?

In such case, give one dose in a teaspoon of fresh food and the other in the main meal. It's bests to space the doses apart to help maintain a steady level of PEA in the body, as this tends to be more effective.